2022 FIFA World Cup Kicks Off Amidst Criticism of Heat

Posted: November 25, 2022 3:00 am

All of the eyes of the world are on Qatar as the World Cup kicked off this week in Doha. One of the main considerations for host cities applying to host this global event is the weather. While this part of the Middle East is known for its exceptionally hot climate, Qatar was awarded the bid by FIFA when the committee decided to move the soccer tournament to the early winter months from the traditional competition time during the summer.

History of Qatar 2022 Coming to Fruition

The road to Qatar in 2022 started 12 years ago during the initial bidding process. The Qatar committee proposed that they would build air conditioned stadiums designed to keep the athletes comfortable as the mercury soared in the summer months. However, FIFA decided that this was not a feasible option with millions of fans also descending upon the region during the hottest time of the year. Even if the stadium were kept cool, the city would have had an impossible task keeping tourists from overheating and becoming dehydrated, particularly for those travelers who were not acclimated to this type of climate.

While Qatar was eventually awarded the World Cup, FIFA decided to move the event from the middle of summer to November. This decision was met with sharp criticism from European clubs because it happens to fall during the middle of their season. This scheduling has led to massive amounts of disruptions for several leagues around the globe.

Just How Hot is Qatar During the Summer?

It is easy to see why the decision was made to move the Qatar World Cup to a cooler time of the year. The temperatures during the summer in Doha can climb as high as 110 degrees. Even on days with more moderate weather, you can expect the temperature to approach close to the 90-degree mark.

Although the normal climate is dry and hot, the summer months tend to usher in air that is higher in humidity. This is because moist air moves into the region from the Persian Gulf, sending the humidity levels skyrocketing to unbearable levels.

Experts say that it would have been impossible to play soccer at this high level of competition during this time of the year. Not only would the players be put in danger of heatstroke and dehydration but spectators would also be subject to these health complications by simply watching or enjoying the sights around the area. This would have likely overwhelmed the city’s medical clinics and hospitals.

What About the November and December Climate?

The 2022 Qatar World Cup began on November 20 and is set to finish on December 18. A total of 64 games will be played over the course of these four weeks. Regardless of the weather, there is no doubt that this is one of the most physically challenging sporting events for athletes. The good news is that the winter climate in this part of the world should not present as many issues as it would have during the summer.

The average temperature in Qatar in November ranges from 66 degrees to 84 degrees. Lows can hit as low as about 60 degrees by the time December rolls around, providing some relief to the athletes. Spectators will definitely want to bring a jacket for the overnight hours.

The group-stage matches have been scheduled to happen between 1 and 10 pm local time to hopefully avoid some of the heat. However, it is important to remember that the temperatures will still hover around 75 degrees when the 10 pm matches start. The real feel reading may climb even higher with the expected humidity.

While teams have been training in the heat to try to replicate the conditions expected in Qatar, only time will tell much of an impact the weather will have on the final results.

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