Heavy Rain, Flooding, and Chance of Severe Weather Staring Down the Southern U.S.
January 22, 2024
Posted: May 28, 2023 7:09 pm
Things are getting complicated, don’t you think? Too much plastic, chemicals everywhere, pollution from factories, automobiles. It is causing the extinction of wildlife, making us sick, and even promoting diseases and cancer in our societies. Pollution, global warming, and the trash we create is causing an overall deterioration of the world.
Can we fix it? Some people say the problem is too far gone, so it doesn’t really matter what we do, even if we pollute ourselves to extinction over the next 50 years.
It has gotten so bad that we wonder whether we will even be here to fix the problem or whether we will simply vanish in the pollution fog we have created. Truth is, reducing air pollution is hard to imagine doing. But turning a blind eye risks our very existence. So the key to reducing this pollution is for everyone to do their part.
These seven steps can improve the air quality in your home, your neighborhood and even your community.
To prevent a problem from getting worse, we need to understand it as best we can. There are six basic types of air pollution in the United States: ground level ozone, air particulates, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, lead, and nitrogen oxides.
Today the most dangerous type of air pollution is ground-level ozone which happens when nitrogen oxides mix with other chemical compounds and creates air pollution that causes many health issues like asthma and other upper respiratory problems.
Stop using your car so much. the use of an automobile contributes to ground-level ozone. But there are other reasons you should stop using your car except when necessary.
The making of gasoline for your car requires oil and gas production, which causes more sulfur dioxides to be put into the atmosphere. So basically, the more time you spend in your car the more pollution you create.
Understandably, you may not be able to stop using your car completely, but you can organize your errands and your shopping so that you don’t make lots of trips. You can use a car pool to work or work from home. If you live near a bus line or a commuter train, try to take it to your destination as much as possible.
If it is time to start thinking of buying a new car, consider a hybrid. This type of car doesn’t emit as much pollution and gets better mileage than other vehicles.
Studies show that trees convert carbon monoxide into oxygen. So do many house plants. Add indoor plants like Peace Lily, English Ivy, Gerbera Daisy to start minimizing carbon dioxide.
Electrical utility plants cause many pollutants in the air, so if you can choose solar power to energize your home, you can reduce the air’s pollutants. Solar energy is the perfect choice to power your home.
Rethink the toys you buy. Some toys made overseas have lead. Don’t do anything that promotes the pollution of lead. Burning trash, keeping old batteries, and even utility leaching can lead to pollution. Check the labels of toys and painted items that could have lead-based paint.
The thick brown dust we see around our house, and our communities are a combination of factory smoke, emissions, and dirt. While you can’t do anything about the smoke or the emissions, you can keep your yard clean of dry dirt patches that give the pollution a place to settle.
You can also avoid using chemical fertilizers and other treatments on your property. These chemicals mix with other pollutants and go airborne, causing more health problems.
Because we know that electricity production causes pollution, we must control the temperature in the house. Keep it a little cooler in the winter and little warmer in the summer. Put on a sweater and use another blanket on the bed in the winter instead of using more heat. The same goes for the summer. Keep yourself cool with fewer clothes but don’t crank up the ac.
By making little simple changes, you can make a difference in the amount of air pollution produced. Begin with small steps and gradually make bigger ones.
If we all do it together, the sooner we will all be able to breath better.
It is not easy to go green, but it isn’t all that hard either. It takes changing a few habits. It would help if you made an effort, change your routine and plan. We can say this. Conservation is a big deal.
The ozone layer is becoming thinner. The water supply is shriveling up. We need to go greener, and we need to stand up and tell our governments that we want and need change. We need to save the animals, reduce the pollution and get healthy again.
January 21, 2024
January 19, 2024
January 18, 2024