Astronomy Experts Excited About Revelation of New Mega Comet

Posted: July 15, 2021 10:55 am

Mark your calendars for 2031. This is the year that a comet unlike any other is set to soar through the inner solar system, potentially putting on a show for everyone on Earth. 

Details of Comet

Comet 2014 UN271 was first noticed back in 2014 during a mission that was known as the Dark Energy Survey. However, it was not until a few weeks ago that new data revealed that this comet may make history.

The fresh data was interpreted by Pedro Bernardelli and Gary Bernstein, giving the feature the new name of Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein. While Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein is currently closer to the sun than Neptune, it will take until 2031 for the comet to arrive into the orbit of Saturn.

The comet will come the closest to the sun on January 23, 2031. After reaching this point, it will begin to track back into the depths of the solar system.

Great Learning Opportunity

This particular comet hails from the Oort Cloud. This icy field is filled with rocky debris that surrounds the solar system like a shell. As the comet gets closer to Earth, scientists will learn more about its composition. Experts are eager to have 20 years to study this astronomical feature. The data gathered from this long observation period will certainly help scientists to unlock more mysteries of the skies.

Putting the Size into Context

This astronomical feature is estimated to stretch between 60 and 230 miles wide, giving it the distinction of being a mega comet. If this projected size comes to fruition, it will be the largest comet ever on record. To put this size into context, the famous Halley’s Comet is only 3.5 miles wide. The entirety of Long Island is 118 miles long.

Is the Earth in Danger?

The good news is that experts are certain that this comet poses no real danger to Earth. The trajectory will not take the comet close enough to Earth to make any impact possible.

It is difficult to think about the impact that a comet this size would have if it struck the planet. The asteroid that is blamed on the extinction of dinosaurs was only thought to be about seven miles wide when it slammed into Mexico. Although this asteroid was only seven miles in width, it created a crater that measured approximately 125 miles wide.

Given this history, it is easy to see how a comet the size of Bernardinelli-Bernstein could create mass destruction throughout the globe. Even if the comet only landed in the ocean, it could lead to a massive tsunami. 

Putting on a Show

Everyone can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the only impact this comet will have will be the show that it may put on for stargazers. At this time, the current data shows that onlookers may need a telescope to view the comet based on its distance from Earth.

However, astronomers note that the brightness of any comet varies greatly. If Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein is bright enough, it may still put on a show for those people gazing up at the sky with only their eyes. Unlike more predictable events such as the appearance of Halley’s Comet, more about this feature will not be known until it gets closer to the sun. 

Halley’s Comet is on track to make an appearance next in 2061.