Creative Uses for Old Christmas Trees

Posted: December 27, 2023 10:21 am

The holidays are coming to an end. If you are like most Americans with a living Christmas tree, you are looking for ways to repurpose this festive decoration. Here are a few ideas to use if your goal is to repurpose or recycle your Christmas Tree.

Use it to Enhance Your Landscaping

If your tree is small enough, you may be able to replant it in your yard so that you can enjoy the tree for years to come. A smaller potted tree or one that still has the roots attached and balled in the burlap is designed for replanting purposes.

There are plenty of other options if your tree is too big to survive a replanting or if you do not have space in your yard. For example, consider cutting the trunk of the tree and using the resulting slices as stools or stepping stones along walkways or through flower beds. Or try stacking the trunk slices to use as risers for potted plants. Smaller trunk pieces can be used for crafting purposes.

The use of the tree goes far beyond the trunks. Use the evergreen boughs to decorate and protect perennial flower beds. Not only will these branches add a touch of color to an otherwise drab winter landscape but they will also provide warmth for the soil and what is already growing underneath.

Use the Tree for Mulch, Compost, or Other Gardening Purposes

Because the tree is biodegradable, it is easy to use it by turning it into mulch or compost. A recycled Christmas tree is a great addition to any compost pile. There are also places that will take undecorated trees and run through a wood chipper to turn it into the mulch or compost for you. This is an easy way to return the tree back to Mother Nature and feel good about what you are doing for the environment.

Another practical idea is to cut the trunk into wood chips to use as filler for gardens. A thick layer of wood chips is an effective deterrent for weed growth. Or use the larger branches as stakes for plants that could use the extra support.

Turn the Tree Into Firewood

‘Tis the season to light a fire or build a fire pit outside. The dried branches of an old Christmas tree work well as firewood or kindling. However, you will want to make sure that you burn this wood outside as Christmas trees release a potentially toxic substance comprised of tar when it burns. This chemical can build up along the inside walls of a chimney and trigger a fire.

Use the Branches as Aromatherapy

One of the best parts of a Christmas tree is the fragrant scent that it emits. The fragrance of evergreen needles linger well after the tree is gone. All that you need to do is to remove the needles from the tree branches and put them into bowls of water to encourage them to last longer.

Look Into Free Recycling Programs

There is a good chance that your community has a recycling program designed to take these trees off of your hands. You would be wise to look into these programs if you want an easy way to dispose of your tree. Most of these programs will use the trees for environmental purposes such as turning them into mulch for public gardens.

The possibilities are endless when you think outside of the box when deciding how to dispose of your Christmas tree. Get creative and see where Mother Nature will take you.

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