How to Assist the Homeless During the Bitter Cold

Posted: December 24, 2022 3:00 am

With millions of Americans dealing with life-threatening cold weather over the last few days, many people may be wondering how they can help the vulnerable homeless population during this time of great need. Here are a few practical ways that you can help the homeless deal with the extreme cold, both now and beyond.

Help the Homeless Find a Shelter

Many cities have set up shelters or warming centers for the homeless and other people who may be in the cold due to a lack of power. Unfortunately, some of the most vulnerable populations may not have access to a television or smartphone to locate these shelters. You can support them by helping those in need find a warming station or shelter.

The Salvation Army is always a good resource to locate these centers. In addition to using the website to find these shelters, you can call 1-800-SAL-ARMY to learn more about potential resources to pass on to those in need.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) shelter finder is another great resource to be aware of. The website also provides resources for food pantries and medical care clinics.

Make and Distribute Hygiene Kits

One of the greatest needs of the homeless population is hygiene products. Making and distributing personal hygiene kits is a great way to give back. You can either provide the kits directly to the homeless or make them for shelters to distribute.

Good items to include in these kits include travel-size shampoo, mouthwash, toothpaste, deodorant, women’s menstrual products, and hand sanitizer. Packaging these kits with a new pair of warm socks is another way to take this giving one step further when it is especially cold outside.

Make Meals or Give Food

The homeless are always in need of nourishing food, making this a practical way to help them when they are struggling to stay warm. Start by contacting your local homeless shelter or service organization to find out the best way to help. Some tent cities also offer opportunities for the community to donate meals. Or you can always just carry non-perishable foods and bottled water and hand out when the need arises. Ziplock bags full of granola bars, beef jerky, oranges, and bottled water are always welcome.

Donate Clothes

In addition to donating food and personal hygiene kits, giving clothes is another easy way to make a significant impact for this population. Particularly this time of the year, the homeless are in need of coats, hats, wool socks, and gloves. Hand and foot warmers also make ideal contributions as the mercury starts to drop.

Give Your Time

There are typically loads of volunteer opportunities available to those who want to give back to the homeless. Many shelters or service organizations that serve the homeless will welcome any assistance. You can do this as a one-time event or sign up to be a regular volunteer. Regardless of the time that you are able to give, it is sure to be a rewarding experience.

Research Local Candidates

While this is not an immediate way to help the homeless, staying attuned to the local candidates running for office in your area and their approach to helping the homeless can go a long way in helping this community. There is power in your vote. This means that you should take the time to learn more about the candidates’ proposals on how to combat homelessness. Supporting the candidates who align with your values is important.

Donate Money

The easiest way to help the homeless is to simply donate money. There is always a need for financial assistance, making this a powerful way to fill an immediate need. You can also consider reaching out to your circle of friends and family to solicit donations. In today’s increasingly digital world, it has never been easier to raise money for important causes.

While there is never an ideal time to be without shelter, the cold presents its own unique challenges to the homeless. By giving your time and resources, you can make a significant impact to those in your community.

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