Steps you can take to protect your house and family from a wildfire

Posted: August 19, 2022 12:48 am

If you are in one of those many areas in the United States that face even a relatively small risk of wildfires you might want to take steps to prepare yourself just in case the worst happens.

The figures are grim. Already, the United States is experiencing a record number of wildfires in 2022. About 40,000 such disasters were reported across the country by early August.

Every minute 18 acres of land in the country is being ravaged by these fires, according to experts. More than 8,300 firefighters are battling the huge blazes.

The average wildfire is destroying 144 acres. In addition, close to 6 million acres of land already have been destroyed.

It is clear that many cities across the country face a significant chance of being ravaged by a wildfire not just this year but at some time in the near future.

Example of a threatened city

An example of one of the cities that might be affected is Carlsbad in Southern California. Experts in wildfires say the city’s 20,000 properties have a 60% chance of being affected by such infernos over the coming 30 years.

The record temperatures and drought conditions in that region have insurance officials at Crumbaker Agency working to find ways to protect their clients from possible outbreaks of wildfires. The agency is a member of the Brightway Insurance group, which operates 300 franchises in 30 states.

Preparing your property and your family should a wildfire break out is becoming almost a way of life in Southern California, says Kyle Crumbaker, vice president of the agency. A part of protecting your house from a wildfire is educating yourself in the insurance process, he says.

Steps you can take

He outlines these steps that you can take to help to prepare your property should you be in an area in which wildfires could threaten your home or business.

• Look out for alerts from government agencies.

It is a good idea to sign up to receive alerts from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). They are available through the mobile app run by FEMA. You also should look out for warnings from the Emergency Alert System (EAS).

• Develop an emergency plan of action.

Make sure that everyone in your business or home knows what to do, whom to contact, and where they should go when a wildfire is threatening.

• Re-examine your insurance policies.

Ensure your insurance covers everything you need to protect what is important to your loved ones and to you. Ensure all policies remain in effect. Go over the fine print and ensure you have easy access to the policies in the event of a disaster and that you have copies of your policies.

• Be sure to use fire-resistant materials when you renovate or repair your property.

• Ensure you have sources of water as well as hoses that can reach all parts of your property.

• Keep your grounds clear and free of anything that can catch fire, such as leaves, branches, and grass clippings.

• Find out a number of different evacuation routes.

Not only knowing but also practicing different ways to escape from danger will help you find a safe way out depending on the direction from which the fire is coming or where it might be headed.

• Store up sufficient supplies to enable you and your loved ones to survive if a wildfire affects your community. Keeping water, first-aid kits, and non-perishable food on hand might help to keep you in place and safe instead of going into commercial areas for medical supplies or food.

• Follow instructions from your emergency responders.

Remember that they are putting their lives at risk in order to help to protect your life.